How I Create Native-Feeling Paid Social Ads that PRINT Revenue

Written by Florind Metalla

September 6, 2024

We’ve all been there—scrolling through our feeds, only to pause on an ad that feels so real we can’t help but click. But what exactly makes that ad stand out while others feel fake? It all boils down to authenticity.

Every marketer knows authenticity sells. But what does authenticity look like? The same ad can feel forced by one creator but genuine by another. So what gives? Inauthentic ads break unspoken rules of how native content should flow; if you’re unfamiliar, your content will stick out for all the wrong reasons.

To succeed in paid social media, you must immerse yourself in the platform’s culture and think like a creator.

Here’s my approach to crafting native-feeling ads that generate revenue.

What Makes an Ad Feel Native and Authentic?

One thing’s clear: people on social media crave accurate content. Inauthenticity kills conversions. As Meredith Unger, a creative strategist at Tinuiti, notes, authenticity is crucial for brand trust and lowering CPAs (cost per acquisition). Simple changes, like shooting ads with an iPhone rather than a studio camera, can make a huge difference.

The Behavior of your Audience on Social Media

But it’s more than just camera choice. It would help if you dive deeper.

Understanding Your Audience: The Secret to Success

Understanding your audience’s preferences is not just a step; it’s a strategic move. It’s the key to creating ads that genuinely connect. Who are their favorite creators? What type of content do they love? Here’s a quick guide to building that insight:

Step 1: Creating a Platform-Specific Account

This gives you a clean slate, allowing you to see content recommendations tailored to your audience.

Step 2: Using AI to Curate Audience Insights

Use a prompt like, “I work with DTC beauty brands. Show me the top 25 TikTok creators my audience follows” to find creators that inspire your audience.

Step 3: Follow, observe, and learn

Track how your audience interacts with creators. Look for trends, recurring themes, and content that racks up engagement. Follow at least 25 creators to start:

  • After the big names, look for smaller creators with die-hard fans
  • Use the For You page to see how your audience finds new content
  • Which videos get the most views? What do they have in common? 

By understanding what your audience loves, you can tailor your ads to reflect that tone and style, making them feel seamless within their feed.

Paid ads your audience responds to

Crafting Ads That Blend In Like Native Content

The best-performing ads look and feel like regular content. That’s where the magic happens. Users don’t want to feel like they’re watching a commercial—they want to feel like they’re just scrolling through their usual feed. That’s why User-Generated Content (UGC) works so well. The creators speak in a natural, familiar tone while effortlessly integrating the product.

Here’s a winning example: TikTok’s “fake podcast” format is brilliant. Podcasts are a sound-first medium, just like TikTok, making this ad style seem native to the platform. It feels like you’re watching a regular clip from a podcast but with product mentions that are naturally woven in. Another example could be [insert another successful ad format].

Sound-First: The Key to Engaging Vertical Ads

Sound is not just a component; it’s the driving force on vertical platforms like TikTok, Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Choosing your sound first puts you in control if you’re building an ad. The sound should guide your entire creative process. According to Mirella Crespi, founder of Creative Milkshake, focusing on sound-first ads can reduce CPAs by 50%. That’s a decisive advantage!

When creating sound-first ads, here are a few prompts to guide you:

  • What are the emotions associated with using the product or service?
    • Do they feel calm, confident, relieved, powerful, sexy?
  • What are the feelings a customer will feel before or after using the product or service?
    • From stressed to calm, from exhausted to energized, from insecure to confident…?
  • What does it sound like to receive and use the product?
    • Door bell rings, packaging, does the product make any sound when used or applied (think ASMR)?
  • Are there any seasonal themes around these ads?
    • Mother’s Day, Shopping/Gifting Season, Valentine’s Day, etc.
  • Are there any trending sounds that we can replicate?

By aligning sound and visuals, your ad will grab attention, engage users, and drive them to convert.

Maximizing the Fold: What to Show Above vs. Below

When creating social ads, it’s not just about the content; it’s about the strategy. Remember the concept of ‘above and below the fold.’ The content users see before they scroll is prime real estate, and you must strategically maximize its potential.

Above the Fold: The Essentials

Here’s what should always be visible immediately:

  • High-Quality Visuals: Start with a clean, clear image or video of the product.
  • Product Name and Quick Description: Users should instantly know what the product is and what it does.
  • Add-to-Cart Button: Make it easy for users to take action, and if possible, include a Buy Now, Pay Later option.

Below the Fold: Dive Deeper with Details

For users who keep scrolling, give them the full story:

  • In-Depth Product Info: Expand on what makes your product unique and valuable.
  • Customer Reviews: Show the good, the bad, and the honest. Transparency builds trust.
  • Suggested Products: Cross-sell related items or show other categories they might like.

Mimicking the Platform: Why UGC Works So Well

Remember the rule: mimic the platform. UGC (User-Generated Content) is king because it feels natural and relatable. It mimics the way people naturally engage on platforms like TikTok or Instagram. The creators act like they always do, but they happen to include your product.

For example, a simple product mention during a regular vlog or routine resonates far better than a polished ad. The idea is to blend in, not stand out as an ad.

Wrap-Up: Think Like a Creator to Win

The best ads follow the principles of excellent content creation. Whether it’s the heyday of print or the rise of social media, great advertising mirrors the platform it’s on.

When you learn to think like a creator, you stop trying to force ads into places they don’t belong. Instead, you create ads that feel like native content, driving revenue.

Want to see how this works in practice? Let’s discuss how to create ads that generate print revenue for your brand! Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or for further guidance.

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